SInce Most racial equity initiativeS…
start when there is an observable or legal crisis in an institution or larger society
follow predictable intervention patterns
inadvertently create organizational tension and vague expectations
reveal true levels of organizational doubt & trust
often stall and unintentionally cause harm
leave an impact, positive or negative, at the personal & professional level
require sustained visioning, investment, and resources
…Then use P.R.E.P© to get team members aligned and ‘on the same page’ BEFORE launching AN equity initiative.
P.R.E.P©^ is part of The Gibson Method uses emergent facilitation to help teams:
* recognize what is “On the Table & Off the Table©” in your equity initiative
* “Respond With Clarity Instead of React in Panic©” when an incident occurs
* realize How the “Hero-Victim-Villian Cycle” keeps teams from making real change.
^Prior to the Equity Plan