Stacey & TTC…
“…reads a room, reads a situation, and reflects back the present and past dynamics. She is masterful at adapting in the moment.”
“…is strategic. Stacey gets to the heart of the matter immediately. She is able to cut through rhetoric and get to substance.”
“…is hard on ideas, soft on people.”
“…explores the intended and unintended outcomes of decisions made. Helps organizations maintain balance in the face of change. Explores spoken and unspoken values in organizations. Leverages thoughtful waiting and inquiry to create cohesive work culture.”
“…is an affirming, intuitive clairvoyant presence you never knew you always needed.”
“…is a breath of fresh air, a welcome addition to any space.”
“ facilitation is highly integrated. Stacey's materials integrate people with themselves, one another, the organization and to larger institutional realities.”
“connects historical process and present day outcome. Stacey has tremendous ability to understand historical events in the context of current organizational dynamics.”
“Stacey’s coaching leaves no stones unturned because she brings her abundance of gems. Her questions and what she asks you to consider are not easy, but their complexity invites you to enter into spaces you would not be able to access were it not for the challenge of answering these necessary questions. These are the moments where she holds space, shines her light to helps you see better while you are doing your critical work.”
“The seminar I took with Stacey helped manage and overcome the anxiety I felt when addressing large crowds.”
“Stacey goes deep quickly and with care while encouraging participants to do the same.”
“She left me riveted and awakened when I saw her presentations at The National Conference on Racial Equity, White Privilege Conference, and The People of Color Conference. Wherever she is I make sure to get there early. Her sessions are always full.”